APAS Events 2024

Australian Psychoanalytical Society

Seminar series


Open Days

The mind and body
in turbulent times

In-room & Online | RACV City Club, Bourke St, Melbourne

Friday 8th – Saturday 9th November 2024

The APAS is pleased to invite you to our annual conference held in Melbourne. Our focus is on contemporary psychoanalytic thought and practice about the mind and body. The intimate connection of mind and body is especially important in fashioning the ways we face external and internal turbulence. Psychoanalytic theory about the use and meaning of the body and bodily expressions has been debated and evolved over time. We hope to enrich our conversation about theoretical concepts and clinical practice by exploring issues such as transgender dysphoria, trauma and the body, and contemporary ethical dilemmas through a discussion of film, papers and panels.

The Body and the Psychoanalytical Process

Dates: 15, 22, 29 February & 7, 14 March 8-9.30pm AEDT (online via Zoom)

We are honoured to have five internationally distinguished psychoanalysts reflecting on the intersections of mind and body and how the body and the senses enter psychoanalytic practice and thought.

The Body of the Analyst and the Analytic Setting

Thursday 15 February 8-9.30pm
Presenter: Alessandra Lemma

Professor Alessandra Lemma is a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society and Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families. She is Visiting Professor, Psychoanalysis Unit, University College London. For many years she worked at the Tavistock Clinic where she was, at different points, Head of Psychology and Professor of Psychological Therapies. She was the Editor of the New Library of Psychoanalysis book series (Routledge) for ten years until 2020 and was one of the Regional Editors for the International Journal of Psychoanalysis until 2018. She has published on psychoanalysis, the body, the impact of new technologies and trauma. Her most recent book is Transgender Identities (2022, Routledge) and her forthcoming book in 2023 is: First Principles: Applied Ethics for Psychoanalytic Practice (OUP).

Skin Deep: an appealing paradox

Thursday 22 February 8-9.30pm
Presenter: Virginia Ungar
Virginia Ungar M.D., training analyst at the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association (APdeBA). She was the Chair of the IPA’s Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis Committee (COCAP) and of the IPA Committee for Integrated Training. She is a member of the Latin American Board of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis (IJP). She was awarded a Konex of Platinum in 2016 and the Sigourney Award in 2023.

She is the former President of the International Psychoanalytic Association (2017-2021). She was the first woman to be elected to that position.


Metaphoric Metonymic and Psychotic Somatoform Dissociation

Thursday 29 February 8-9.30pm
Presenter: Dana Amir
Dana Amir is a clinical psychologist, supervising and training analyst at the Israel Psychoanalytic Society, full professor, vice dean for research and head of the interdisciplinary doctoral program in psychoanalysis at Haifa University, editor in chief of Maarag – the Israel Annual of Psychoanalysis, poetess and literature researcher. She is the author of six poetry books, three memoirs in prose and five psychoanalytic non-fiction books (+ more than 50 articles): Cleft Tongue (Karnac, 2014), On the Lyricism of the Mind (Routledge, 2016), Bearing Witness to the Witness (Routledge, 2018), Psychoanalysis on the Verge of Language: Clinical Cases on the Edge (Routledge, 2021), and Psychoanalysis as Radical Hospitality (Routledge, forthcoming). She was awarded many literary as well as academic prizes, including five international psychoanalytic awards.


The world we inhabit: the phantasy of the mother’s body

Thursday 7 March 8-9.30pm
Presenter: Clara Nemas
Clara Nemas, MD, IPA, is a training and supervising analyst of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association (APdeBA), child and adolescent psychoanalyst, and a member of the International Psychoanalytical Association. She maintains a full-time private psychoanalytic practice in Buenos Aires and was vice-president and scientific secretary of the APdeBA. She served on the IPA China Committee and serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis. She was Latin American Chair for the Programme Committee for IPA 2021 Congress on The Infantile. She has published numerous papers on ethics, psychoanalytic theory, and clinical technique in working with adolescent patients, and is currently involved in teaching Kleinian and neo-Kleinian theory.

Musicality in the consulting room

Thursday 14 March 8-9.30pm
Presenter: Francis Grier
Francis is Editor-In-Chief of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis and a Training Analyst and Supervisor of the British Psychoanalytical Society. He is also a couple psychotherapist. He works in private practice in London. He leads a seminar for the psychotherapists in the Fitzjohn’s Unit of the Tavistock Clinic, which specialises in working psychoanalytically with patients who would not usually have access to psychoanalytic treatment. He has written and edited papers, chapters and two books on couple psychotherapy, including Oedipus and the Couple (2005, Karnac), and papers for the IJP on two Verdi operas (Rigoletto and La Traviata), on a gendered approach to Beethoven, on musicality in the consulting room, and the music of the drives and perversions. Before training psychoanalytically, he was a professional musician. He gave the first-ever solo recital at a Royal Albert Hall Proms concert in 1985 and, in 2012, was awarded a British Composer Award.

(inc. GST)
$330 for 5 Seminars or $88 per Seminar
A recording will be available for a two-week period following each event.

The IPA Couple and Family Psychoanalysis Committee (COFAP)

Pre-Conference Full Day Workshop
of the
IPA Asia-Pacific Conference, Sydney

Tuesday 30th April, 2024
The Sir Stamford Hotel, 93 Macquarie St, Sydney
In room and Online

Suffering and Desire in Couples and Families Across Cultures

Workshop supported and sponsored by:
IPA Couple and Family Psychoanalysis Committee (COFAP)
Australian Psychoanalytical Society
Penthos Inc
The University of Sydney

Australian Psychoanalytical Society is a component society of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), together we are here to raise the profile of psychoanalysis and set the standards for practitioners.

Pre-Congress IPA Asia – Pacifc Conference

Speakers include:

Jhuma Basak, Sun Ju Chung, Mahsa Baradaran Eftekhari, Louise Gyler, Holly High, Fumi Kitamura, Mehraveh Moosavi, Takashi Okudera, Xiaochun Shan, I-Ning Yeh, Nancy Pei-Ling Yu & others

We look forward to you joining us for conversations about notions of femininity through the ages and across cultures and the forces shaping women’s desire. The explorations will take place using myth, socio-cultural phenomena and the clinic to reveal that the maternal imago and the feminine are constructed both as idealised and venerated, and as monstrous and denigrated.

Two Way
Learning From Each Other

An exploration in indigenous/non-indigenous intercultural relations

Wednesday 1st May, 2024 9am – 2.30pm
National Centre for Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) 166-180 George Street, Redfern.


9am Registration and coffee

9:30am-11am Reflection around Indigenous art 11

11:30 am Morning tea 11:30

1:30pm Discussion facilitated by Craig San Roque

1:30pm -2:30pm Share lunch together

3pm (optional) Redfern walk


The Pitjantjatjara term “alpiri” refers to the time when people wake in the morning and call out to each other news from the night – thoughts, dreams, and suggestions about activities for the day are communicated. This workshop resembles social dreaming when people come together with residues of their dreams and nascent thoughts and present them unsaturated into the group. These thoughts may not be directly interpreted but become material in the groups’ meandering conversation.

The aim of this Workshop is to encourage intercultural understanding through open dialogue between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Whie this has relevance for intercultural relations in many parts of the world in this instance the starting point is engagement with the First Nations people in Australia.

The Workshop is part of the International Psychoanalytical Association’s Asia Pacific Conference in Sydney 2nd-4th May. For further details on the Workshop please see our full Programme here.

Walkaround Redfern

The walk allows you to be immersed in the heart of Aboriginal culture in Sydney, with an insightful 90-minute walking tour of Redfern guided by Donna, Ingham, a proud Wiradjuri woman who was born and raised on Gadigal land in Sydney.
The tour focuses on the social and political history of Redfern with a knowledgeable Aboriginal guide who has strong connections to the area. Redfern has been the epicentre of Aboriginal activism and still plays a big role in Aboriginal people’s connection to their identity.

Adelaide Institute of Psychoanalysis

Introduction to Psychodynamic Theory & Practice: Six major psychoanalytic theorists

By Dr Robin Chester
5th March 2024 – 16th July 2024 (Includes a 2 week break)
Cost: $770 Online via Zoom – Tuesdays, 7.00 – 8.30pm ACST

These online seminars are a 20-week gentle introduction to psychoanalytic theories. The seminars are for anybody who has an interest in understanding the psychodynamic theories about the mind and the therapies that have evolved from these. They will be particularly helpful to those in the helping professions whose formal training may, unfortunately, be deficient in this important area of understanding, e.g. psychiatric registrars. The seminars will begin in March 2024 and will focus on the ideas of Freud, Klein, Winnicott, Bion, Lacan and Jung. For further details of the series please visit the AIP website – see below for the link.

Management of borderline patients in crisis

By Dr Shanthi Saha
12th April 2024 – 14th June 2024
Cost: $660 Online via Zoom – Fridays, 10.00 – 11.15am ACST

The series of 10 seminars are aimed at developing psychotherapeutic intervention to de-escalate suicidal behaviors and crisis presentation of borderline patients. Interventions are based on a psychodynamic formulation of the presentation. The course would particularly suit psychiatry registrars, psychiatrists and senior clinicians working in the emergency department or dealing with such patients in crisis. It includes theoretical discussions and articles to read, as well as clinical case discussions. For further details of the series, please visit the AIP website – see below for the link.
NOTE: The seminars will count towards CPD points and are tax deductible for therapists. Places are limited for both Seminars & registrations are now open.

For queries/registrations please contact Sonia at: sonia.selvasingam@gmail.comeminars

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