Training Requirements

1. Subject to paragraph 2, Member Associations and applicants for membership will identify as clinically qualified practitioners, only those practitioners who meet all of the following training, and accreditation requirements:

1.1 A tertiary degree, (or equivalent) and relevant clinical experience prior to or during psychoanalytic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy training.

1.2 Completion of a minimum of a three year comprehensive seminar program, involving at least 250 hours of seminar attendance, ensuring an effective introduction to psychoanalytic theory and practice.

1.3 Completion of supervision of at least two clinical cases or therapeutic groups, seen a minimum of twice per week (or equivalent for groups, work with children, adolescents, couples and families and parents), one case or group must be of at least 24 months and one case or group of at least 12 months in duration. Each case is to be supervised on a weekly basis by separate supervisors, over the specified period (minimum of 24 or 12 months).

1.4 Personal Psychoanalysis/Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy/Psychoanalytic Group Psychotherapy, at a frequency equivalent to at least two sessions per week for the duration of the training.

1.5 Training components outlined in clauses 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 will have been completed substantially concurrently.

1.6 Assessment by a credentialling panel of the Member Association as having attained the standard of training qualifying them for full clinical membership and independent practice.

1.7 Any other requirements as specified by this Constitution or Confederation By-Laws or such other requirements as the Board shall from time to time determine, consistent with these rules.

1.8 Each Member Association must have a documented protocol for the consideration of exceptional circumstances which may be taken into account in varying the minimum training requirements in individual cases. Any proposal by a Member Association to admit a member under exceptional circumstances must be presented to and approved by the Board of the Confederation or its delegate.

2. The Board may, if it is satisfied that is appropriate to do so, vary the requirements specified in sub-paragraphs 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 in specific circumstances.

In addition Member Associations and applicants for membership must require the clinical members they represent to maintain ongoing professional development through processes such as supervision; case presentations; peer review; presentations at scientific meetings; publication of clinical papers or attendance and/or presentations at Seminars, Conferences and Clinical Meetings.

Engagement in Continuing Professional Development is an essential aspect of ethical psychotherapeutic practice. Member Associations of the Australasian Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies have specific CPD requirements, some of which may be specific to that association’s particular therapeutic modality. The ACPP has developed a guideline for minimum standards of CPD participation, as follows:

Practitioners should participate in:

  •  At least 15 hours of either individual or group clinical supervision per year,
  •  At least 15 hours of other psychoanalytically oriented professional development per annum.


While Member Associations may require additional CPD, the above minimum requirement will be the standard applied to the ACPP Register of Psychoanalytic Practitioners. In agreeing to be listed on the Register, practitioners will commit to meeting this CPD requirement, and to be subject to periodic random compliance audits.

Retired psychotherapists who are no longer in clinical practice but continue to  engaged in supervision and/or teaching should be involved in professional development activity for a minimum of 20 hours per annum as follows:

  • At least 10 hours of of either individual or group clinical supervision, and
  • At least 10 hours of psychoanalytically oriented professional development 

The Australasian Register of Psychoanalytic Practitioners will provide a central register of trained and accredited psychoanalytic practitioners in Australasia.

To be eligible to Register, practitioners must be Clinical members in good standing of one of the member associations of the Australasian Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies (ACPP). This ensures that registrants possess the required clinical training and accreditation and ongoing professional development.

The member associations of ACPP are:

• the Australian Psychoanalytical Society (APAS)

• the Australian and New Zealand Society of Jungian Analysts

• the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association of Australasian

• the Australian Association of Group Psychotherapists.