Formal Training
No training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy or psychoanalysis is carried out by the Australasian Confederation of Psychoanalytical Psychotherapies (ACPP). However the guidelines in this document set out minimum standards considered sufficient to practice as a psychoanalytcal psychotherapist and would enable an individual to become a member of ACPP. Formal training is carried out by the Member Organisations and is endorsed by the ACPP. Follow the links to their websites to read more about the actual training each Member Organisation runs and the length, syllabus and application details.
The AAGP is currently conducting a National Training Program in Group Psychotherapy.
Director of Training Dr Rob Gordon
Training Coordinator Dr Margot Solomon
Summary of Training Program in Group Psychotherapy
The Training consists of:
• personal group psychotherapy
• clinical supervision
• formal seminars
• group observation
ANZSJA CGJI offers a comprehensive analytic training for suitably qualified and experienced applicants. The training is cohort-based with previous intakes occurring in 1998, 1999, 2006 and 2013. The next training intake is planned to commence seminars in February 2022, with selection interviews in October 2021. The following prerequisites are applicable to those intending to apply for the 2022 training intake. Prerequisites should be completed, or in process, before the selection interviews in October 2021.
Significant preparation and time is necessary before application and selection interviews. It is recommended that potential applicants read the following information carefully
Whether you are hoping to become a psychoanalyst, or just want to better understand core psychoanalytic principles to help you in your work, our training provides an essential grounding in psychoanalytic theory.
We offer full training for those hoping to become psychoanalysts and members of the society, alongside a range of short courses designed to suit all levels of experience.
Depending on the course you choose, you can study at our Adelaide, Melbourne or Sydney branches, or you may be able to join our video-conferences from wherever you live and complete the modules online.
If you are already an adult psychoanalyst you can take a specialist post graduate program.
We are in the process of designing a child and adolescent training that will be integrated into the core adult training (Integrated Training Track).
The PPAA Member Associations offer accredited Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Programs. These are available in New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia. There is also a specific training in Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Training programs include supervised clinical practice, theoretical and clinical seminars and infant observation, undertaken concurrently with the candidate’s/trainee’s own personal psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The programs are intensive and extend over a three to five year period. To be considered for membership of a PPAA Member Association (MA) one needs to have either graduated from a relevant accredited training program, or one needs to meet the provisions for prior learning set out by the MA. It is important to note that there is a requirement of substantial concurrency of personal therapy with seminars and clinical supervision, if an applicant for MA membership has not graduated from an accredited training program. Please visit the MA websites below for further information about training programs and other professional development and training opportunities.
New Zealand:
Victoria – VAPP:
Western Australia: